The International Climate Assessment & Dataset (ICA&D) is a web-based climate information system coupled to meteorological databases. The International Climate Assessment & Dataset (ICA&D) is the umbrella under which regional implementations are developed. Currently, ICA&D systems exist in Europe, Southeast Asia, Latin America, and West Africa. The ICA&D is a spin-off from the European Climate Assessment & Dataset (ECA&D) established in 1998. Once the ECA&D concept had been refined by years of development and had demonstrated its utility, it is ready to be applied to other regions of the world.

The ECA&D resulted from the collaboration of national meteorological services and universities throughout Europe, the Middle East, and Mediterranean countries. It aims to realize a sustainable operational system for gathering, archiving, and disseminating climate data, with the added benefits of quality control and data analysis. Contributing institutions provide validated daily series for up to 12 meteorological variables ECA&D uses these data to generate a suite of derived information products—which are updated monthly—for use in climate monitoring and services.

Two important user groups of the ICA&D services are researchers from a broad range of disciplines and climate service providers who incorporate basic regional climate data and information into their products. For example, scientists use this information in global climate assessments, comparing it against regional climate models or to analyze species migration, and national meteorological services use the regional information provided by ICA&D to support their national monitoring and climate service activities. Although these meteorological services have always been responsible for providing national weather and climate data and information, the regional perspective of ICA&D supports local decisions by taking into account the fact that many challenges are transboundary—for example, when delta areas are dependent on decisions made upstream.

South East Asia (SACA&D)

The implementation of ICA&D in Southeast Asia is the Southeast Asian Climate Assessment & Dataset (SACA&D). SACA&D is initiated as part of the Digitisasi Data Historis project. This project is focusing on the digitization and use of high-resolution historical climate data from Indonesia and other Southeast Asian countries. SACA&D is further developed under the Joint Cooperation Programme in which the National Meteorological Services of Indonesia (BMKG) and the Netherlands (KNMI) participate.

SACA&D contributes to the work of the Asian Pacific Network for climate extremes (APN).


Europe (ECA&D)

The implementation of ICA&D in Europe is the European Climate Assessment & Dataset project (ECA&D).  ECA&D was initiated by the European Climate Support Network in 1998 and has received financial support from EUMETNET and the European Commission.

Pacific Islands

The ICA&D implementation for the Pacific Islands is foreseen to be located at SPREP (Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme)

East Africa

The ICA&D implementation in east Africa is hosted by the IGAD Climate Prediction & Applications Centre (ICPAC) institute.

West Africa

The implementation of ICA&D in West Africa is hosted by Agrhymet 

Southern Africa

The ICA&D implementation in Southern Africa is hosted by the Southern African Development Community (SADC).

Indian Ocean Islands

The implementation of ICA&D in the Indian Ocean is hosted by the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC).


The ICA&D implementation of ICA&D in the Caribbean is hosted by the Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH).